Immunohistochemistry Facility Services

We are located in MR5 on the ground floor in room G207.

Please see The Rules Of Use For Our Facility but all services must provide a worktag at time of request.

Histological Sectioning– This service is to section frozen and paraffin samples onto slides for routine and special staining techniques. We are not a certified BSL2 facility, therefore no sectioning of human samples is allowed. IF human samples have been previously fixes in paraffin then we can allow sectioning and processing.

  1. Paraffin: Special Instructions should be written down
    • Orientation of sample
    • How many sections per slide
    • Thickness of section
    • Number of slides to section
    • Area to start collecting samples
  2. Frozen: Tissue must be brought to lab embedded in OCT Compound and special Instructions should be written down
    • Orientation of sample
    • How many sections per slide
    • Thickness of section
    • Number of slides to section
    • Area to start collecting samples

Supplies: Must provide slides (Superfrost Plus), slide boxes and blades
NOTE: We are not a certified BSL2 facility, therefore no sectioning of human samples is allowed. IF human samples have been previously fixed in paraffin, then we can allow sectioning and processing.

Paraffin Embedding– This service is to embed samples in paraffin for sectioning.
1. Tissue must be brought to the lab in pencil labeled cassettes in 50% ethanol
2. Special Instructions should be written down

Fixation– Fixation time is based on the type of tissue, size of tissue, fixation method and type of fixation. Please call ahead to discuss.

Training– General equipment usage (microtome’s, water baths, etc) and training are provided as a free service to our resident CVRC labs. For a nominal labor charge for staff time, we do provide training to our member labs and/or more advanced training of histological sectioning as well. Once trained and approved; staff has access to schedule and use equipment and facilities without supervision; provided they follow rules and regulations established below. We ask that all labs bring their own supplies but if you utilize our setups and/or materials, we will ask that they be replenished based on your usage.

Tissue Processing– Contact Histology Staff to discuss your needs and time that will be needed.

Immunohistochemistry (IHC) (single)– Contact Histology Staff to discuss your needs and time that will be needed.

Immunoflourescence (IF) (single, double, triple)– Contact Histology Staff to discuss your needs and time that will be needed.

Hematoxylin & Eosin– Contact Histology Staff to discuss your needs and time that will be needed.

Luna’s Method for Iron– Contact Histology Staff to discuss your needs and time that will be needed.

Modified Russell-Movat Pentachrome Method– Contact Histology Staff to discuss your needs and time that will be needed.

Oil Red O on Frozen Sections– Contact Histology Staff to discuss your needs and time that will be needed.

Perl’s Method for Iron– Contact Histology Staff to discuss your needs and time that will be needed.

Picrsirius Red Method for Collagen– Contact Histology Staff to discuss your needs and time that will be needed.