Adam J. Katz


Primary Appointment

Associate Professor, Unaffiliated

Research Interests

Stem cells, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

Research Description

Stem cells, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

Personal Statement

Stem cells, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

Selected Publications

Amos PJ, Kapur SK, Stapor PC, Shang H, Bekiranov S, Khurgel M, Rodeheaver GT, Peirce SM, Katz AJ, Human adipose-derived stromal cells accelerate diabetic wound healing: impact of cell formulation and delivery., 2009; Tissue engineering. Part A. 16(5) 1595-606. PMID: 20038211 | PMCID: PMC2952117

Tholpady SS, Ogle RC, Katz AJ, Adipose stem cells and solid organ transplantation., 2009; Current opinion in organ transplantation. 14(1) 51-5. PMID: 19337147

Sefcik LS, Neal RA, Kaszuba SN, Parker AM, Katz AJ, Ogle RC, Botchwey EA, Collagen nanofibres are a biomimetic substrate for the serum-free osteogenic differentiation of human adipose stem cells., 2008; Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. 2(4) 210-20. PMID: 18493910 | PMCID: PMC3122962

Ghosh S, Lu Y, Katz A, Hu Y, Li R, Tumor suppressor BRCA1 inhibits a breast cancer-associated promoter of the aromatase gene (CYP19) in human adipose stromal cells., 2006; American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism. 292(1) E246-52. PMID: 16940470