Ken Walsh, PhD, the Lockhart B. McGuire Professor of Internal Medicine and director of the Hematovascular Biology Center in the Robert M. Berne Cardiovascular Research Center, was awarded a $2.9 million NIH grant for a project titled “Mosaic Loss of the Y chromosome in Cardiac Amyloidosis.”
Cardiac amyloidosis is a particularly deadly form of heart failure that is underdiagnosed and underappreciated. This condition occurs more frequently in elderly men and has been linked with the mosaic loss of the Y chromosome (mLOY) which is also prevalent in elderly men. This research seeks to understand the role of mLOY in cardiac amyloidosis, potentially leading to new therapies for this condition.
Learn more about the Walsh Lab, which focuses on how clonal hematopoiesis and Y chromosome loss function as causal risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.