Location - Room 2502 MR6

Shelby Cain - Endothelial Cell Cycle Control to Normalize Tumor Vasculature Morgan Coburn- Microglia and High Fat Diet David Csordas - Leveraging idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis samples to investigate microvascular remodeling

CVTG RIP: Cassidy Blackburn, Victoria Milosek, and Matt Hoch

Location - Room 2502 MR6

Cassidy - Endothelial cell-derived inhibitor of differentiation 3 (Id3) and atherosclerosis Victoria - Selective Inhibition of IL-6 trans signaling to promote atheroprotective effects Matt - Quantitative MRI for the Characterization of Blood Brain Barrier Disruption with Focuses Ultrasound

RIP: Taylor Eggertsen & Catherine Gorick

MR6 Room 2502

Taylor - Expansion of a Network Model with Protein Interaction Databases Identifies Antihypertrophic Drugs Catherine - The Role of Extended Pulse Lengths on Sonoselective Transfection of Cerebral Vasculature