There are minor adjustments that are required to develop your blot on a Licor system as compared to a standard film developer. The most important being the use of secondary antibody conjugated to a fluorophore (excited at 700 or 800) and the possible use of nitrocellulose rather than PVDF. There is no need for autoradiography film or ECL reagents with the Licor as the blot is scanned directly. For a full list of potential protocols, see here.
The use of this system is available free of charge to all resident and member faculty of the Robert M. Berne Cardiovascular Research Center.
Users must be certified and/or trained for use on the Licor system. Unauthorized users will not be allowed on the system. Sign-up is for a maximum of 1 hour. The Licor is available to be used M-F, 8 AM-4 PM. Users must be given authorization and sign up for times on the Licor–the sign up sheet is on the door of the Licor in MR4 6062. An advanced sign up of 24-hours in advance is required. Please do not assume the Licor will be available for use if you have not signed up; you will be asked to stop scanning if an individual has signed up for the time in which you are present. To use the Licor System, users should first e-mail Angie Best-Campbell (, 4-2093) to organize a training session.
Please feel free to contact Angie Best-Campbell (, 4-2093).